Thursday, August 8, 2019

Independent Study Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Independent Study Project - Essay Example The project has been undertaken with due seriousness, but it has been limited due to certain unavoidable factors. Time constraint is an important factor that has limited the projects research work. However sufficient time has been devoted to research of various journal and articles to make the project extensive, more articles and reports could have been incorporated. Time being a limiting factor has limited the research. Also the research is totally based on secondary research carried out by others, so it does not provide any quantitative or qualitative data. The focus of the study revolves around the three investigating questions that have been selected for the study. The first question throws light into the fact that why companies resort to rebranding and what are the implications of rebranding. While discussing this issue it had been find out that many believed that rebranding was due to specific reasons that the company wanted to improve on, for example in order to modernise a existing brand or to differentiate it from its competitors. He believed that the rebranding is not the effect of one particular reason but can be a combination of a few reason. Rebranding also takes place at the time of mergers and acquisition. As studied in the case study of Glaxo Smith Kline, it had been seen that rebranding is necessary for the companies that merge or acquire other companies. This is because of the fact that when a new company is formed the message should be communicated to its customers.

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